Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Truth or dare

Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:31-32

Staying in touch with what is going on today has its disadvantages for me. I tend to get really disquieted about what is going on in the world. It seems sometimes that those in positions of leadership and “knowledge” are playing a game of Truth or Dare with modified rules. I’m told what the “truth” is and then dared to not accept it as the truth. Rather than receiving unbiased facts, and straight forward information, I get admonitions of dire consequences of not accepting the “truth” as stated.

Jesus set the example of demonstrating the truth. With the cast of thousands of prophets and saints who came before telling of who He would be and what He would do. He came quietly to the earth (except for that otherwise unexplained astrological phenomenon, and a not so subtle choir of heavenly hosts. He went about doing what He said he would do, “His Fathers work.” He always told the truth, He proved that he was a man, but didn’t hide the fact that He had powers of the most high. He didn’t have a hidden agenda, it was foretold generations earlier, and He reiterated it constantly. He didn’t ask us to do anything he wouldn’t do himself and He backed up everything he said. His mission was clear and He executed it flawlessly giving selflessly of everything He had (as a man) to validate the truth, to include dying an unimaginable death to “set us free.”

Sometimes it seems that when I seek the truth of anything today I find some who has self credentialed themselves as more savvy than I am in matters of economic, political and social knowledge, getting nose to nose and yelling, Truth, you can’t handle the truth. I guess the real question is and will all ways be, what is the truth of any matter on earth and what relevance does it make to eternal truth? The answer is probably nothing, unless you are one who won’t seek and accept either.

Bless you brothers, live this day in peace, in His Word.

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