Monday, August 2, 2010


A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25

Back from the Men’s Great Adventure now, physically and mentally. There is lots to process from such a short five day outing. I’ll share more about the events and lessons of the “Adventure” as time passes, but today I wanted to share something that has weighed heavily on me since returning.

Our host and guide, a young man named Tom, is in his personal life a shining body of evidence of the redemptive saving power of the Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but his life of servant hood oftentimes leaves me speechless. Tom is in every sense of the word a man’s man. He’s a God fearing, but otherwise fearless guy. He built his log cabin lodge style home on a remote patch of land in northern Minnesota on a lake that takes your breath away. He displays a reverence and respect of nature which transcends its beauty. In addition to raising his family, building his home and teaching school he’s helping to salvage the lives of young Native American kids from the drug and alcohol ravaged society into which they find themselves. He helps them learn of the nature in which their ancestors flourished and reacquaints them with their heritage while teaching them of the Creators masterpiece.

And then once a year he takes on a group of “city slickers” from Indiana, anxious to live a real adventure and he doesn’t disappoint. He takes us to areas we’d have never found on our own and to experiences we’ll remember for years. And when we return, we’re refreshed in spirit, in body, and in soul. And as we say our goodbye’s Tom’s eyes reflect the words of the Proverb, he too has been refreshed in seeing our excitement and joy. Thank you Lord for men like Tom, and Lord may I find a way to refresh someone’s spirit today as Tom refreshed mine.

Bless you brothers, live this day in peace, in His Word.

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