Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Great adventures

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

The day has finally arrived, today myself and several good friends strike out on our annual Great Adventure. Traveling north into Ontario, Canada this year, we’ll be canoeing, fishing, camping, eating, praying and generally enjoying the counsel of fellow Christian Men.

I’m sometimes asked why make this journey to such a far off wilderness; wouldn’t a trip to a State Park be adequate for some “male bonding” time? The answer might be a little different for each man who goes, but all the answers will share some of the same themes. One is that men need Great Adventures to challenge us physically and emotionally in ways we aren’t challenged in our normal daily lives. It makes us feel “real” as compared to our often times very pampered and indulged existence. We also feel the challenge to go to a place where not many go, to feel that pioneering spirit which resides deep within us. We want to see and feel as John Eldredge put it in his book “Wild at Heart”, “Most of the earth is not safe; but it’s good.” And finally to be in the company of men who want to be real with themselves, with each other, and with God.

Being in the company of other Christian men is an extremely under rated concept today. General fellowship with other believers is needed and proper, but I believe men really need the fellowship of other men to grow in their faith and their manhood. I encourage each man reading this to get away to a Men’s Retreat, Adventure Outing or other men’s event. You’ll be blessed by the experience.

Bless you brothers, live this day in peace, in His Word.

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