Friday, January 21, 2011

Give us today

Then the LORD said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you. The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day. Exodus 16:4 (The Message)

Here it is, the morning. Now the choices begin. No more luxury of complete surrender to the meanderings of my subconscious. Now it’s my turn to be in charge. How well will I handle that? Will I let myself be swallowed by the world and allow my sinful nature take hold (Galatians 5:19-21) or accept the daily ration of Grace that God has given me and share it not holding on to a bit of it when bedtime rolls around again? I live with the knowledge that my world is one of abundance (99.8% of the world has less than I do.)

Every day life offers a challenge; to be knowledgeable enough to make good and wise worldly decisions, but innocent enough to be a trusting childlike follower of God not allowing the world to own me. The Israelites left Egypt and went into the wilderness with, for the most part, a worldly slave mindset; the people in Israel under the oppression of Rome were much the same prior to Christ’s birth. All they wanted was to eat and work and be left alone and not be beaten. Sounds familiar, a typical workday scenario for most people even today.

Is it just me or did you ever wonder why these hundreds of thousands of Israelites with the thousands of head of livestock were so concerned about their next meal? I’ve noticed and experienced that abundance isn’t a very good comforter. I think that God provided manna for them not just so they could eat, but that so that they would be assured that He would be there the next day and the next. But my hunger isn’t just for food, so God sent Christ not just to satisfy my physical needs, but so that my heart will truly know God wants to have a relationship with me and have me with him in eternity. And seeing, knowing and feeling God today in Christ, I’ll fill up and go to sleep tonight knowing He’ll be there in the morning and show me the way again tomorrow, whether in abundance or scarcity.

Bless you brothers, live this day in peace, in His Word.

1 comment:

  1. Brother Jerry,

    Good morning! Excellent post and word above. It is great too see that you expound upon issues of God with the 'daily' mindset because that is what it truly is: Daily!

    The other thing that is vital is that we who were created by our magnifcent God diligently strive to seek Him and come into His presence; daily as well!

    Take care,

    Brother Brian Davis
